The HDC Gains Government Approval in Croatia

by WYA Staff
January 19, 2021

The HDC Gains Government Approval in Croatia

December 9, 2016 – The World Youth Alliance Croatia Chapter received an approval from the Ministry of Science and Education for the implementation of its Human Dignity Curriculum (HDC) program in schools throughout Croatia.

The Ministry approval gives any school in Croatia the option to choose the HDC program as its human rights program for school implementation.

WYA Croatia first conducted its pilot of the HDC program in 2016 and received tremendous support from educators, parents, and students. Since then, more than 300 students in Croatia have learned from the HDC. Its first online version with Croatian students was launched by WYA Croatia in June 2020 as a response to the pandemic.

“We are thrilled to receive this Ministry approval”, commented Anna Halpine, WYA Founder, “which follows a tremendously successful pilot program in 2016. Given the strong evaluation results, and the enthusiasm for the program from parents, teachers, and students, World Youth Alliance is grateful that the Ministry recognized the value of this program, and is open for collaboration and for the implementation of the program in educational institutions.”

WYA welcomes this news and congratulates WYA Croatia on this tremendous accomplishment. The HDC program is currently available for school implementation for children Grades K-12, and has been implemented in Africa, Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, Middle East and North Africa, and North America. The Ministry approval is the national authorization for the use and distribution of this program.

For more information about the program, visit our website or email us at .


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