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What is the HDC?

The Human Dignity Curriculum (HDC) is a K-12 curriculum that teaches personal identity and human excellence. Cross-cutting themes include human dignity, freedom, solidarity, history of ideas, and human rights.

Common questions students have about this critical topic include:

The HDC grounds each grade in this fundamental reality: we are all equal in dignity. No one, and no action, can take away your dignity.

Taking this key premise as a starting point, we introduce students to the following philosophical and anthropological ideas:

1. Action follows being.
When I understand who I am (a person with dignity), this impacts and changes what I do, how I see myself, and who I become (my actions).
2. Freedom enables human excellence.
Students learn that freedom consists of choosing actions that respect the human dignity of themselves and of others.
3. Persons are subjects, not objects.
What you do to the body, you do to the person; no person should ever be used or objectified.

How to Get Started

Step 1:

Explore HDC

Research our program, take a first-hand look at what we have to offer. Download a free sample lesson to see if HDC fits your needs.
Step 2:

Talk With Us

Let us answer your questions, help you navigate purchase options, get your Teacher training started and much more.
Step 3:


Explore the different subscription package options that we offer for your school, school district, or organization.
Step 4:

Teacher Portal

After purchase, our HDC Teacher Portal gives you access to curriculum content, online training, and support.